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04 / 12 / 2005
Palazzo Ducale, MASSA, TUSCANY
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One of Dovrat's most important work is WALL / EVENT - EVENTO / MURO placed on display at the entrance to the Province building of Massa Carrara, Tuscany.
Thanks to arch. Paolo Riani's consultancy and Rita Scrimieri's curation, the artist erected a nine-meter long concrete wall divided by a swing.
A strong criticism of the Israeli Separation wall in West Bank
and towards every dividing wall.
A work of denunciation thought to be exposed in major international towns as a claim to stop this horrible and violent construction.
After it first successfully show, the installation "Wall / Event" is never again replicated.
No one accepts to give voice to her criticism towards the policies of the State of Israel.
28 / 07 / 2019
Teeter Totter Wall, U.S.-MEXICO border
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Professors Ronald Rael and Virginia San Fratello realized "Teeter Totter Wall" .
The piece published through an Instagram post on Instagram immediately get viral
19 / 01 / 2021
the Design Museum, LONDON, U.K.
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After the enormous visibility reached by Rael -San fratello's work, the Design Museum of London rewards it with the prestigious "Beazley Design of the Year 2020".